Monday, April 30, 2012

Sick and Tired

I woke up feeling pretty alright this morning. I showered and ate breakfast and got ready to head to the bus. Then I suddenly just felt sick. Now, don't get any ideas; I know for a fact it's not the P word!

After a few moments sitting down and contemplating if the feeling would pass, I decided to just call it a day and not go in to work. I'm rarely sick since changing my eating habits and losing weight, so the fact that my body was telling me something I haven't heard in a while, I chose to listen. Thankfully, my desk had been completely cleaned off on Friday before leaving, and I'm able to change my voicemail and e-mail out-of-office from home.

So, the pup and I had a restful day. I just stuck to the couch for the entire morning, drinking water and tea, and felt much better by noon. The only thing I really noticed was how tired I was. Between working so hard eight hours a day and being busy with visitors and TOPS, my body just needed a rest. I'm not surprised, so at least it was just an upset stomach.

Other than still being tired, I feel like myself again after this day off. Casey and I even spent some time outside in the sunny weather. We also took a short walk up to the mailbox to deposit a few items, then came straight back. It was nice to get some fresh air and relax today.

I'll be back at the desk tomorrow, with hopefully not too many e-mails or voicemails. Sometimes you just gotta take a sick day, and I'm very glad I did.

Monday pi: 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307

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