Thursday, April 5, 2012

Iron, or Lack Thereof

Ugh, I hate going to the doctor. Especially to get poked and prodded. At least I had the foresight to limit my suffering my requesting a lab requisition at my last appointment. That action ensured I could get the tests done prior to my appointment today.

So, right, I had to go see the doc today. I've actually been to see a doctor every few months since I started taking high blood pressure meds. It's just because they want to keep checking it to make sure the dosage of medication I take is just right.

After losing 40+ pounds, I am taking less than before, but it's extremely possible I just have chronic HBP and will have to remain on the meds for the rest of my life. Other than the fact that they make me both thirsty and need to go to the bathroom, I don't really have an issue with it. If they keep my BP at a safe level, I'd rather take them than risk having something go wrong.

I've also been curious if I have low iron. I'm often tired, even though I eat well and get enough sleep, and  have cold hands and get dizzy easily. Those are just a few symptoms of anemia, so I specifically requested the doctor note on my lab req to have them test my iron levels. Not surprisingly, it came back saying it's low. Oh well, just need to try and eat more iron-rich foods and start taking a supplement.The doctor even gave me three weeks worth to try out. I'm hoping to see a change after a month or so.

It's funny how our bodies work, reacting when we're not taking good enough care of them. I try, but if I don't eat a lot of meat, and haven't figured out how to properly integrate other iron-rich foods into my weekly food plan, supplements are going to be required. I gotta do what I gotta do!

Nothing else is wrong with me at least (well, nothing major!), so that's good news. I do wish I didn't have chronic sinusitis and a weak back, but there are also things out there to fix them :)

One more piece for the week... 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209


  1. I know you think you hate it, but maybe you could love it when you realize it's high in iron...liquorice! And I know you know I'm not talking about the red stuff. Try some high quality stuff (capricorn "soft delicious traditional black"...from Superstore) and you really might like it. Also, nuts and dark chocolate. Put the two together and you've got iron and magic!
    -JB :)

  2. I appreciate the ideas! I don't actually hate the black stuff, I just don't care for "all sorts". I always go for black jujubes. I will have to pick up the licorice brand you recommend. As for nuts & dark chocolate, count me in!


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