Thursday, April 19, 2012

Big Baby's Bad Back

Are men the weaker sex? I'm thinking maybe. Us women always say we've got it way harder, especially (although I cannot speak from experience) for the childbirth part.

Paul woke up this morning with a stiff back. He took a couple ibuprofen and went off to work. I got a text message from him mid-morning that stated, in a nutshell, that he wa's in pain from his back. I wasn't sure what he did but he said he'd just work out the day. Okay, I thought, it can't be that bad if he can still work.

Well when he arrived to pick me up from work, I could tell he was quite stiff. He couldn't really turn or bend. He said he slipped on the stairs at work. So, he woke up with stiffness (without knowing the cause) and then aggravated it by being silly and slipping. Hmm.

As the boss of the house (or so I say), I know how things work and have connections with certain practitioners in the city due to my own issues. I suggested he see my chiropractor as soon as possible. Hey, why not first thing in the morning? Okay, he says back. Ha. Lucky for him, it's easy to get in to see Dr. K in the morning, so he's going first thing. I'll probably go with, as if I don't see them enough as it is! I just hope he can fix Paul up, or at least get it started. We can't afford to have him of work as he doesn't get sick days.

So we get home and he's acting all "woe is me", but is still bending down to get stuff, wincing as he goes. When Paul's not 100%, I find him to be somewhat of a whiner. Now, he doesn't regularly read my blog, but if he does, just in case, I don't mean to be rude. He knows that I hate a whiner but I will gladly take over all tasks that he cannot physically complete while he's recuperating. Instead, he tends to try to keep doing them. He even gave me a funny look when I suggested he ice his back, then put heat on it. A sort of "I don't need those" look. Well I said you do, and you'll do it!

So that's where I'm headed now: to give the big baby his ice pack and make sure he's settled in his big boy chair. And to remind him about his doggie duties, which he so easily completed outside after dinner... we'll see how tomorrow goes.

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