Friday, April 20, 2012

Spring Organizing

So much for being excited to get a new sun tunnel in my kitchen this weekend. With Paul out of commission for at least a few more days, there's no way I'll be getting one for a few weeks now. Due to the sun tunnel being put on hold, so is the stairwell/back entrance painting. I only want to be in a construction zone for one day, so I'll leave it for then. I also want Paul's help with painting up high and can't expect him to be able to bend properly in the state he's in.

Speaking of Paul, he saw my chiropractor this morning and is resting. He's in no better shape than 24 hours ago, but he's also no worse. He just needs to take it easy and give his muscles time to heal. I need him to go back to work, so no way is he allowed to strain anything.

With no painting or sun tunnel installation, it just means I get to focus my time on organizing my office and the garage. This is still extremely exciting to me, being an A-type personality and all. I hate living amongst clutter and disorganization, so it's going to be lots of fun getting stuff put away. The hardest part will be to decide what sizes of plastic storage boxes I need. Seriously! I always tend to either under or overcompensate for what I'll need to put in them, and end up unsatisfied with my purchases. I'll need to carefully decide what's getting tossed and what's needing boxed, then go out and buy them.

Do you like to organize your life? I find it quite therapeutic. To be able to walk into a room and know exactly where things are is such a good feeling. It's stressful living in a mess. So chaotic and confusing. Well, for me anyway. I work with a girl that "knows where everything is" on her desk. I can't even see her desk for the mess on top of it! HAHA I love those people, but they make me stressed out. I prefer not to look at their desks.

This is what I expect to accomplish this weekend:

-buy a shelf to install above my desk to house my various office supplies
-organize my TOPS stuff, like cards I've received that need to be put into mini albums, and all my awards that need plastic organizers. I have one shelf that's dedicated to TOPS but it's a presently royal mess.
-toss out/recycle all my leftover Sunset Gourmet items, like order forms, catalogues and recipe cards. I also have a few food items left, like sauces and dips, that I will sell to you if interested :)
-pick up a filing cabinet I have on hold from someone selling it on Used Regina. Only $10! Now I'll be able to truly file my paperwork away.
-bag up more "fat" clothes to give away to Dressed for Success or the big yellow bin
-put away winter clothes and store in basement
-reorganize my garage and decide what I don't need. Either I'll donate them to Value Village or put some online to sell. Either way, I'm tired of looking at boxes in my garage and forgetting what's in them. If I haven't unpacked them yet, I must not need them. Or not have room in my house. Or something.

Either way, this weekend is shaping up to be fun. The weather totally sucks today but maybe tomorrow I'll get some sunshine. As long as Paul dogsits, I'll be productive in my spring organizing!

Pi for Friday: 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592

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