Sunday, April 1, 2012

Dana Nairn: Weight Recorder

Wow, is it seriously Sunday night already? Where did my weekend go? Hey, at least this next week is a short one, AND I'm taking off at noon on Thursday for appointments and packing up for our little trip to Manitoba for Easter.

Today I sat down with the TOPS outgoing Weight Recorder to learn how the job works. There are a lot of things that need to be recorded, but I think all in all, I'll figure it out without too much difficulty. The job itself isn't hard, it's being organized and figuring out a plan to keep my at-home work at a minimum that will take a while to get perfected.

This Wednesday is my first official evening on-duty. I have the keys to the building, the code for the alarm, and the all the paperwork required. I already put it all in my own binder (no surprise there), because mine's better and I like red :) Actually, it's the same binder I used in college and it held up great. It'll be our monthly awards night so our Leader will have to help me with the charms. I can read out who's getting the awards because we figured it out this afternoon, I just don't know what they'll get for them!

In addition to my new duties on the executive, I'm presenting my TOPS story. I'd totally forgotten I was on the schedule, but after a few days thought, I agreed I could handle it. Sure, I've been busy and last week had me overwhelmed a bit, but I have plenty to say (how else could I write a blog every day ?!). I've typed most of my story out so I'll just need to go over it tomorrow night and tweak it a bit. I also printed out a few before and after pictures to share. It will be nice to share my story with my "friends" and I hope they will appreciate the things I have to say!

Here's a piece 'o pi for the day: 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058

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