Sunday, April 15, 2012

Graduation Day

Well, you're looking at a newly-graduated KOPS member for 2012! If you haven't been reading my blog, or don't already know, I actually reached my goal weight July 27, 2011. I decided to wait until PRD to graduate, however, as it's more of a big deal and I could be patient. Until then, I would still be recognized as a KOPS in my own chapter, just without the official grad ceremony.

So, today it was! The dress code is all white or ivory so I found a new white knee-length pencil skirt that is good for work or wherever, and some new patent shoes that can also be worn again. I bought a new blouse but decided I didn't like that it covered my figure a bit, so I wore something already in my closet.

They had the six graduates parade through the audience and then sit on the stage. We were recognized for our achievement and had our mortarboard tassels turned to the left, signifying an official graduate. TOPS really makes you feel special. It was over really quick, but I got a lot of positive feedback after. Even people that didn't know me gave their congratulations, and I must have hugged at least 20 people. Me, the non-hugger! How can I say no to my TOPS family?!

Speaking of my "family", really and truly they are the reason why I continue to attend meetings. Unlike most people, I actually think I could keep my weight off without the meeting, but because of them and the friendships I've developed, there's no way I would miss it. I also know they would be very sad if I wasn't there anymore. I greatly appreciate all the support they continually give and thank them for all the praise and encouragement. My Wednesday nights aren't just for TOPS, they're for being able to socialize with my friends and give them back the support they so freely offer me.

As we say every week, "I will remember that I am to be an example of what TOPS can do as I Keep Off Pounds Sensibly".

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