Sunday, April 22, 2012

Worship Woes

I've really been enjoying singing in church with the worship teams. It's nice because I'm not part of a choir, and our church doesn't have one, so it allows me to be involved in something I like in some way. I do have an issue, however.

Obviously I won't name names, but there's a particular couple that (although very nice and kind and fun and friendly and all the things good people should be) tends to get off topic a lot. I'm not the leader, nor do I plan to be, but I'm there for a reason so it can be frustrating to be so distracted.

For example, we'll be talking about a song we're singing that day and suddenly it spurs a thought about something totally different and they go off on a tangent. Okay, funny story, but let's bring it back and focus to get through our practice. We don't even really practice fully due to the "other things" taking up so much time. I feel somewhat unprepared at times once it's time to sing for real.

They also have two darling little girls, one still a baby, that basically hang out while we practice. If one of them cries, that has to be dealt with. If the other is doing something they shouldn't be, that has to be dealt with. Again, very nice, talented, all-around good people, with very nice children, but very easily distracted.

I don't even think it's a control issue for me. I really do believe that we're there for a big reason -- to lead the congregation in worship --  and it's not being treated with enough respect. It's now come to the point that I would really prefer to be scheduled with another team. How do I go about that though? I think probably the best option is to just contact the pastor in charge of that area and voice my concerns in a professional manner. I know that how they act is very innocent and not intended to be a bother or stress anyone out, but I'm having a hard time just letting it go.

Until then, the schedule is already up for May and June so I will continue to be a part of the team and enjoy singing. Maybe I should start praying that they would come to realize how their disruptions are affecting me (and hopefully others).

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