Saturday, April 14, 2012

Star-Struck Teenager

Wow, it's tough when I don't get a chance to write something here and miss a day. I do know that I wrote a post on Friday the 13th! So, what's happened since...

Saturday was a good day at Provincial Recognition Days (PRD). Other than a few technical glitches right at the beginning of the day, everything went really well. I liked it much better than last year's. I was recognized for being a member of the Regina Gold Key KOPS society in the morning, and participated in the Before and After Parade in the afternoon. "P.C." was kind enough to let a few of us walk over to her office at lunchtime to eat the food we brought, and to get in some chit chat with each other. It's nice to have those times to simply get to know our other TOPS members a little better.

I left after the 2nd session of the day because of my upcoming evening with my friend "P" and (the best band ever) Our Lady Peace. We ate a nice supper at the Cathedral Freehouse and then stood in line to get in the concert venue for about half an hour. At least my other friends had showed up and we have stuff to gab about.

Now, the story is a long one regarding my evening, but the short of it is:
-we stood around waiting for the opening act to start for about an hour
-"The Pack" was two females (one on drums the other on guitar, both on vocals) and they weren't half-bad except they were VERY loud
-we were able to do some maneuvering to get super duper close to the stage
-OLP was AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME as always and I went home a very happy girl

My the end of the night my feet were sore, my back ached so bad I felt like falling down at any moment, and I had sweat a good deal (enough for a shower upon arriving at home). The best parts of the night were:
-being so close to the stage that Steve (lead guitar) and Raine (lead singer) were mere feet from where I stood
-snagging a guitar pick from Steve (my heart races just thinking back to the moment)
-not caring who you were snuggled up against because they weren't important, the band was and I was fixated on them and being totally "in" the moment
-getting to sing along to more than half of the songs because they played lots of classics
-unbelievably, the pounding of the music in my ears which was enough that I went to bed with ringing in them

Honestly, it's still a blur and I'm completely starstruck, like some teenager. Guess you can call me a mega-fan! Apparently this tour isn't even a full-fledged one so they'll be doing another one in the future. Count me in, front row centre!

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