Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Wanna hear a funny story? Okay, keep reading. This is a good one.

On Wednesday mornings (now every second one, anyway) I have an appointment in the south end with my Chiropractor. Due to this, I have to get up early to drive Paul to work so I can get myself down there. So, I make sure to set my alarm the night before. Unlike any other of these nights, I reached behind my head, cranking myself around in bed, to change the alarm. I fiddled with the buttons a bit, changed it to the wrong wake time, then fixed it, checked it, made sure it was set to "radio mode" and left it alone for the night.

So the alarm goes off at the time I set it; 5:35 am. As I always do, I hit the snooze button, sleep for nine minutes, hit the snooze button again, sleep for another nine minutes, then turn off the last alarm. I specifically set it early so I can snooze because I'm not one to just jump out of bed on the first waking.

By this time it's 5:53, just like usual (and it's actually set about five minutes fast). I get up, grab my robe, make sure the cats are out of the bedroom, close the door, and go about my shower and morning routine in the bathroom across the hall.

At quarter-after, I peek out the door and notice Paul hasn't gotten up yet. So, like any good wife, I say "wakey wakey" into the dark room and ensure I hear him roused from his sleep. Then I go back into the bathroom to continue putting on my face.

Not a minute later Paul comes to the bathroom door, groggy at best, and states, "hun, it's only 5:15". What the...?!?! I look at my analog bathroom clock (my alarm is digital), literally squinting as if it will look any different from four feet away, and see that he's correct. The big hand is on quarter after, but he little hand is between the five and six. Crap. Somewhat frustrated but at a loss, I just tell him to go back to bed, grab my book in case I need it, and tell him there's no way I'm going back to bed because I've already had my shower (the equivalent of a morning coffee for me).

Well, there's really not much I can do now. I just slow my pace down a bit and take my time. I even decided to take Casey out for a walk, because I just didn't have anything else to do. I contemplated sitting down and reading my book or watching a show I'd PVRd, going for the walk was a good choice for both me and the lil mutt.

I got pretty tired by bed time, but sleep better. All in all, not a bad day except for my "oopsie". I'll not do that again, that's for sure!

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