Wednesday, April 4, 2012

A Big Night at TOPS

Wednesday night: my first night on the "job" as TOPS SK 2765's newest Weight Recorder. It was a little hectic at first, trying to understand how things work, but I soon got the hang of it. I especially enjoyed greeting my fellow members as they came in to be weighed. Some needed encouragement, others just a pat on the back for a job well done. All in all, it was fun and I look forward to continuing in the post.

It was also our monthly awards night so thank goodness our leader knew what to do. I just read everything out and she got the charms ready. The organizer was labelled with what the charms were for, but it helped having her there. Next month I'll do it on my own.

Then once all that was done, Queen Dana (that's me, in case you weren't sure...) was up to read her TOPS Story. I wasn't sure I could pull it off after being so busy with work and not really getting enough rest to catch up. That and with my first night weight recording, I was a tad overwhelmed. However, it did seem like a good time to share my story considering my recent coronation and all.

It went pretty well, and I got lots of positive comments afterwards, albeit I lost it a little when my emotions got the best of me. I was really hoping it wouldn't happen, but when I got to the part about deciding to make a life change and never looking back, I just teared right up. Oh well, my TOPS pals are really great so they helped me through it. It was even a full house with two new members and one guest. Quite a lot to handle, but I made it. A little humour added in at the right time made it all work out.

So, it was a busy night, but extremely rewarding. I even signed up to do another program the last Wednesday in May!

Pi for the day: 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820

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