Saturday, April 7, 2012

Le Drame de Nos Vies

Drama. I really dislike it. I'm the one that, when things start getting dramatic, I distance myself from it or the people involved. Why can't everything just be simple and drama-free?

At times I can be unyielding in my personal opinion on certain things, however, when faced with a challenge, can be very open to other ideas. I struggle with indecision though, so have a very difficult time with situations in which there isn't a set idea or plan.

In the end, all I really want is to be happy, and for others to be as well. The option that suits all parties the best should be the one chosen. It may not be possible to please all involved all the time, but it IS possible to accomplish goals and to satisfy specific needs.

For now, I'm de-dramafying my life. What's meant to be will happen in it's own time and without stress OR drama.

1 comment:

  1. Haha, this is about me! Well maybe it's not, but I'm pretty sure... ;) What, I'm dramatic? I think the word is confrontational...Bah! I have yet to figure out if this is a good or bad quality. I've only heard other people complain about confrontational people. But I thought it was a good thing! Why beat around the bush, right? Ah well. Maybe it is too dramatic. I'll work on it :)



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