Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Baking for Dummies

I'm a self-proclaimed non-baker. This doesn't really work well for a husband that enjoys eating cakes and cookies. It does however work great when paired with my dear mother whom DOES bake. When we get together we can really make a nice meal if I cook and she bakes up dessert. Yum!

The only thing I can bake well is Rhubarb Crisp, but that's seasonal and I can only make it if I have any rhubarb. *sad face* I love that stuff and miss it very much. I suppose it's a good thing I haven't made it because it's not exactly low in calories.

That said, I ate an absolutely delicious -- and diet -- lemon cake last Wednesdsay night at our TOPS post-installation potluck. The recipe was pretty much the simplest one I could imagine, so I had to make it for my work's potluck coming up tomorrow. I can smell it right now, still warm from the oven, awaiting the toppings. This is all that's in it:

-1 box lemon cake mix (the store was actually out so I bought a deluxe white instead)
-1 can diet soda (I used lemonade because of the white cake rather than lemon, but the one I ate last week was made with diet sprite/7up)

The soda substitutes 1:1 for the water, eggs and oil, so just think of all the calories you save! Three eggs is 210 calories and the oil is probably another couple hundred. Yum yum. My thighs are thanking me already!

Then, you just top with lemon pie filling once it's cooled (apparently you can buy a low cal one but I couldn't find it) and fat free Cool Whip. Sound good? Well, it is! I just hope that changing the recipe a bit for what I could find works out alright. Since it's Wednesday, I have to watch what I eat because of my weigh in, so that's a tad disappointing when it's "graze all day" day. Meh, who needs all that crap anyway, right?

So, if you happen to try it out, let me know what you think! When I know how it goes tomorrow, I'll let you all know :)

Lemony pi: 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582

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