Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Change and Patience = Happiness

It's funny how people get so used to "the way things were" and have a hard time changing. As the new weight recorder for our TOPS chapter, I had to alter the weigh-in start time to 5:15. The previous WR was there every between 4:15 and 4:30. Well, her schedule is different than mine, so I said I'd do the job (since no one else was interested) but that the time must change.

Last week was my first time and I was there by 5:00. That's only because I left work a little early to make sure I knew how much time it would take to pickup my husband, go home, then go to the meeting place. This week, however, I had to take the bus to work in the morning. That's fine, I just prepared for my day ahead by packing up my weigh-in binder and TOPS stuff, and buying a sandwich for dinner from work. I also had a few extra healthy things to eat, since I'm simply not able to not eat until the meeting is over at 8:00.

So, the bus stops right next to the church (thankfully) and the time was exactly 5:07 pm. There must have been at least six vehicles already parked and awaiting my arrival. I didn't run over to the door, or rush to get it open. No way. Weigh-in starts at 5:15. Simple as that. I went in and started to move things out of the office into our space for the meeting. The ones that were there waiting for me helped, except for one (which I found rude, to be completely honest and it bugged me as I watched them stand there waiting for me, all while I'm lugging stuff out of the room. Grrrr).

Anyway, by the time I and my assistant were settled, it was probably about 5:15. Right on time. I just find it funny that so many people were anxiously awaiting my arrival. I hope it's because they all go out to dinner after weighing in and need to make sure there's enough time for that. I do have to say that no one has verbally expressed their dissatisfaction with the time change, so I hope that most are coping okay with it. Sure, change can be difficult for many people, but if you want me to do the job (and I have to be committed) then I appreciate your patience while I get organized each week.

There are a lot of things to learn and get used to, but I'm enjoying the interactions with my fellow members. So far, so good.

Pi for the day: 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749


  1. You go girl!! When I was WR, I found it very frustrating when people were waiting when I arrived. At first, I would rush about, getting everything set up and in the end I would be stressed and a little grumpy!! Then I realized that I'm there to help them out and they need to understand that if we say weigh-in starts at 5:15, then weigh-in starts at 5:15! I'm glad you went about your routine and bravo to those that helped out!! We have a great group and (almost) everyone is there to help out in any way they can.
    Dana, you're going to be a great weight recorder. I know "S" left big shoes to fill, but I look forward to your encouragement and positive attitude every week.

  2. Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate knowing that what I experienced is NOT out of the ordinary :)


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