Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Mistakes = Lessons Learned

I have a very difficult time being told something's "not right" after spending a substantial amount of time working on it. Obviously I thought it was fine, otherwise I wouldn't have handed it off. Even more frustrating is being  sooo "over it" with a particular issue that's going on then being told, "oh sorry, you didn't quite do this right and how you need to blah blah blah garbaldy gook...".

I literally got so overwhelmed with this stupid issue at work today that I felt tears welling up. I AM strong, and know what I'm doing, but this specific thing was completely out of my hands and I had a really hard time dealing with it. All I could imagine was making it disappear in a whiff of smoke, never to be seen or heard from again.

I've even become so paranoid at times that I'm making copies of copies, because you never know if in a month or six, someone will come back and ask about "that time when we did the blah blah blah garbaldy gook...". I sigh just thinking about it.

Don't get me wrong, I like my job very much, it's just that simple mistakes or something that's overlooked can create a chain reaction of highly undesirable events. Basically for the past four days I've been working on fixing something that went wrong. It sure is easy to do that kind of thing, and then it's really hard to put it all back together.

I guess the lessons we learn when these things happen are extremely valuable. There's no way we'll do what we did last week again, that's for sure. It would just be nice to get on with my actual job and complete the tasks that I've left hanging.

Pi today = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459

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