Monday, April 23, 2012

Walking Fit

Casey and I just got back from a walk. It's hard for me to get the motivation to do it, so when I do get an inkling, I jump on it. I also have to do it at a particular time of day, as long as the weather is just right. Lucky for her (and my legs), the weather is lovely.

Our occasional walks aren't long, maybe fifteen minutes, but they are worthwhile. I know how important physical activity is for a long, healthy life, but it's just something I haven't been able to enjoy.  I find that my feet are uncomfortable (I know, get better shoes), my back is tight (I know, keep walking and it'll get better), and my legs ache (I know, it takes time to get them used to it).

Last year I even joined the GCC (Global Corporate Challenge) in an attempt to get walking more, but it totally didn't help. I actually resented the fact that I had to count my steps each day and get online to input them. It was literally so annoying that I started not wearing the step counter and entered guesses each day. Yeah, so much for that!

Other than making my heart even healthier, my main goal this year is to get rid of some stubborn leg fat. Sure, I've lost over 40 pounds, but I haven't toned up at all. My body has been ridden of that amount of excess, but there's still a good amount of fat left over. Trust me. I still have blubber-knees and legs and I'm very self-conscious about it. I want to be able to wear shorts and skirts without tights and not feel the chub. Having said that, just dieting (aka eating right) isn't working any more. My body is pretty happy where it is and I know it because I'm basically right where I was in August of last year. Sure, that's great if I was totally happy with it, but I'm not.

So, I guess walking it is. I don't plan to even do 20 minutes per day, but anything more than nothing will be good for me. Casey also loves it and needs to learn to walk better on a leash (i.e. slowing down!), so we'll be practicing some more. In time, I'm also hoping my back loosens up and my legs don't hurt as much. Maybe I'll even be able to afford a really good pair of walking shoes. Here's hoping for another ten pounds lost by the end of the summer...

Monday's pi: 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230

1 comment:

  1. Wooo walking its not everyone's fav. type of thing but man do I enjoy walking. ;p good luck it does get easier.


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