Friday, April 13, 2012

Blink and You'll Miss It

Do you ever have one of those days that was like a blur? Suddenly it's 7:30 pm and you realize that the entire day has gone and you didn't even notice.

Today was like that for me. In fact, the whole week has been much that way. It's like I sat down in my chair at work on Monday morning, blinked, and then it's Friday night and I'm at home blogging. Sheesh. That last long weekend simply flew by too fast, and I didn't get enough downtime. Now I have another busy weekend ahead, and still too much to do. Alas, I better try to enjoy it.

Tomorrow is the first of our two-day Provincial Recognition Days (PRD) where TOPS members across the province are recognized for their successes in the past year. A new king and queen will be crowned, and many will graduate (including me). I've even lost enough weight to take part in the "Before and After Parade"! Last year I hadn't lost 40 yet, so now I get to :) Luckily I kept a pair of pants and a t-shirt that I used to wear at my highest weight.

I also have some fun planned with my friend "P" for tomorrow evening; my fave band Our Lady Peace is in town! We're planning on dinner first then some ear-pleasing sweet, rock music. I'm totally stoked. I'll probably even buy one of their t-shirts if they're selling any, now that I can fit into the girly ones. Oh and I have to buy their new album (note to self to not forget about that!).

So, busy weekend ahead, and an early morning. I have to be at the Delta Hotel for 8:00 am to work as Hostess for an hour before the first session begins.

*yawn* I slept on my new pillow last night and I'm not sure I like it yet, so I'm giving it at least a week. I tried the latex foam side, so tonight I'll try the memory foam side. We'll see how it goes!

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