Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Horrible Hormones

I hate hormones. Well, I'm blaming my mood on them anyway. Most days are okay, but some days -- and it really doesn't seem to matter what time of the month they occur -- I just can't get out of a bad mood.

Today, I thought something may be up with my body when I noticed I was being short with someone. I totally turned it around after, but I just wasn't in the mood to be patient and explain things like I normally would. It was like I just didn't care, even though I know deep down that I do. Once I realized it, I did change my mood and was much less impatient for the rest of the day.

There was a situation, however, where I felt that my feelings were hurt. It was all so stupid. Someone mentioned that I had been called "Dah-nah", rather than "Day-nah", and they kinda kept going on about it a few times after. Even a few coworkers were teasing me about it. It really was dumb for me to feel hurt, so I'm blaming hormones for making me feel so sensitive. It's just not my name, so I was defensive about it.

Then at home tonight I just feel like everything is out of sorts. With Paul being home off work this week for his back, and not being able to do simple chores that involve bending or twisting, I'm feeling quite resentful. I didn't feel like this yesterday, and deep down I feel differently, I just feel like I'm all alone taking care of absolutely everything in the house. I'm even doing chores that were his jobs, like taking out the garbage and scooping cat poop, because he can't physically do them. I know that truly it's no big deal, but today I just feel all depressed over it.

I'm sure that tomorrow will be different -- I hope -- but for now, I'm wallowing in self-pity. I wouldn't mind a happy pill right now to cheer me up. Actually, it's just one of those days where I'd prefer to just go to bed and read a book. Now, not later, even if it's only 6:30.

Stupid hormones. I'm not even in the mood for a piece of pi.

1 comment:

  1. Some day's just sick and there's nothing much you can do about it. Hope tomorrow is better


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