Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Much Ado About Pizza

Hmmm what to write about today. Nothing really interesting happened. Hmm. I had a nice morning walk to the bus today. Instead of just going around the corner, I walked about 1 km instead. The good thing about my bus route is I can walk ahead of it and keep going until the bus is coming behind me. There are stops every block as well. I actually could have gone further but the clock said it was supposed to be there, and I was worried I'd actually have to run to catch it. Oh well, it showed up.

Hmmmm, what else. I don't even have an opinion to share about anything! How unreal! I did get a cute video sent to me of Baby Woeden in his new Bumbo chair. He's a wittle bit wobbly, but looks pretty happy sitting in it. Yes, I just said wittle instead of little. Just say it out loud in your best baby voice. :)

Soooo yeah... umm.... I guess I'm just boring. Today was a busy day at work and my wrist is sore now. I did get a parcel in the mail which was a pair of pants from Ricki's that I'd had to order a size smaller in. Hopefully they fit. I also got a pair of earrings on sale.

I need to go try on my PRD graduation outfit. Gotta make sure it looks good. Everything fits, I just haven't had the pieces all on at the same time yet. The OLP concert is also on Saturday night, so I'm looking forward to that and enjoying it with my friend "P". Girl's night out! Aw, we'll be good :) I have to get up early the next morning for my graduation!

So I tell people that I'm a pizzaholic and that I literally have tried to get sick of it by eating a lot of it frequently. It hasn't worked, much to my chagrin, because I really don't need to eat all that bread and salt and fat. My mouth just loves it too much to say no. I think I am sick of something else, however: my veggie pasta salad. I made it for our TOPS Installation night, and there was too much so I had tons of leftovers. Then I made it for Easter in Baldur this past Saturday. Again, there was leftovers. Basically, I've been eating veggie pasta salad leftovers for nearly two weeks. Ugh. I'm over it. Back to pizza it is :p

Pi for the day (yum, pi): 3.141592653589793238482643383279502884197169399375105820974 (that's 57 digits, by the way)

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