Monday, April 9, 2012

Focusing on Family

With sadness, I have to report that the family member I mentioned in a previous blog, has passed away. The pancreatic cancer simply overtook him. It was so quick; we only heard in the middle of February that he even had it and that it was terminal. They had given him up to a year. Not two months later, that was it. The good news is, his family was with him.

It happened yesterday, April 8th, my birthday. It was also his wedding anniversary and Easter. Quite a day, eh? I don't have many memories of him as an uncle, I just recall him very kind, generous, and fun. He seemed to always be smiling at something. I wish we'd spent more time with his family, getting to know them better, but one has so many extended family members it can be hard to do that.

I do remember his wife stepping wrong out of their camper at our family reunion in 1992. She broke her leg. Ouch! I also remember thinking their kids were a little weird, which is even more weird now to think of. I think they were just quiet. Now they've all got families of their own (a total of five grand kids between them all) and will continue his legacy. The good news is, he has two sons, so the name will go on!

Getting older does make you look around and focus on what's important. I held my cousin's baby this weekend and, although it didn't make me want one of my own right away, I do see the importance of growing your family. As we moved my grandparents into their new condo-type home on Saturday and experienced the appreciation they have for their beloved family, it does put things into perspective. Family is what made us and what keeps us going.

Pi for Monday: 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097

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