Friday, April 6, 2012

A Blog, a Baby, and a Birfday

I tried to post this last night via email, but it didn't work like my Blogger site said it was supposed to...

We drove to Winnipeg today (Friday), with brief stops in Virden (to drop off Casey at the kennel and to grab some lunch) and Brandon (to pick up some stuff for lil sis from mom and dad).

Our first order of business was to meet Woeden, the newest addition to our extended family. Other than his colic issues, he is a lovely baby. I even held him a few times and didn't hate it. So there *tongue sticking out at you*

Then we popped over five blocks to see sista's new place and to drop off the stuff we brought from Brandon. She has some work to do in unpacking and organizing, but it's a big place and will be nice for her.

Our last stop for the day was at the aunt & uncle's, for dinner and visiting. The only family we didn't get to see was Woeden's auntie and uncle, but I hear one of them is coming out tomorrow for the grandparent's move.

Now I'm tired and going to see how it goes sleeping in a cozy double bed with a human heater. Tomorrow we get to do some physical labour. At least I get birfday cake :)

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