Monday, April 16, 2012


My parents will be (most) happy to know that we finally had our plumbing issue fixed. I previously had an appointment for Roto-Rooter to come out, but then cancelled it because there was no existing issue the day of. It's been at least three months since we had any backup or flushing problems, so the day finally came.

The issue has been with our basement bathroom, very unsurprisingly. We do live in an area with lots of big, mature trees! They found root blockages at 12 feet, 20 feet, and 30 feet in. Nice. Hey, at least there were roots, rather than not and then who knows what the issue would be!

The shower has also had issues in that you have to plunge it before the water will go down the drain rather than up. I don't know yet if that's been fixed because Paul hasn't checked and (as he would say) can't be arsed to. I guess we'll see about that one.

I didn't want to pay the bill for the service, but it IS a good thing in the end! I always knew that, but the problem would always fix itself in a day. Oh well, we're all good now.

Apparently I haven't added a new piece of pi since the 11th so, oopsie! Here we go: 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494

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