Sunday, April 29, 2012

Awards Agitation

There sure is a lot more to this Weight Recorder job than I thought! No, wait, this was the one job that I said "I've never do", so I must have known there was lots involved.

It's been a full month since I took over the position. The last Sunday of March, I spent two hours with the outgoing WR, "S", to get the hang of what needs to be done. We basically went over the month-end stuff and got ready for awards night (the first Wednesday of each month). This time I spent not two, but over three hours prepping, and I'm not sure why it took that long.

First off, I had to go to the craft store to buy more charms. (No, the cost doesn't come out of my own pocket, but I'll get reimbursed once I submit the receipt to the Treasurer.) I really don't like going into that store, so it was a little overwhelming right off the hop. I knew the stuff for jewelry making was in a certain section, so the charms probably weren't far off. I found a few things that would work, but still hadn't found the main stuff. It turns out I really didn't know what I was looking for, in that I didn't know the correct name, so once I found the "button charms", all was well. There were lots to choose from so I stocked right up.

I didn't get started on the actual computer-based prep work until 3 pm. I thought I'd be done by 5, but as 6 came and went, I was simply frustrated and tired and totally over it. The job did get done -- it had to -- but I hope it doesn't take that long next month. Sure, it was the first time on my own, but I found I was continually going back to the individual weight charts a lot. I don't remember doing that the month before with "S".

The problem really is that I just need to get a better grasp of what needs to be done, and get my own system down. I'm hoping that after a few months I'll be down to two hours (or less!). At least I feel ready for awards night and don't have to try and cram it in during the week.

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