Sunday, April 8, 2012

29 Forever

Can you believe that I was born 29 years ago? Weighing in at only 5 lb 15 oz, I was a tad small, but hearty nonetheless. Momma showed me milk, and I said "mmm, yes please!"

Looking back on the years, I've been through many changes. I've moved approximately 18 times, had at least ten different hair colours, and had eight cats, three birds, numerous fish, and one dog. I've traveled to the west coast a few times, as far east in Canada as Quebec City, south to Mexico and the Dominican Republic, and to Scotland. I've owned three cars and one SUV and worked for twelve different businesses. I've written 99 bog entries and posted 77 Facebook photo albums.

There have been highs and lows, nears and fars, but all in all, it's been a good time. Thanks M&D for creating me and raising me to be who I am today!

Happy 29th Birthday to meeeeeeeeeee! This is officially my last birthday. From here on out I'm "29 Forever" :)

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