Saturday, March 31, 2012

Sun and Shopping

Can you believe this weather? Even I, the winter-lover, am enjoying the spring sun these days. I like it because although the sun is warm, the air still has a chill. I especially love the crisp morning air. We even had rain last night. I heard the south end had thunder too!

I was able to indulge in some retail therapy today. Actually, quite a good chunk of it. I'm all spent out for a while, that's for sure. The best part isn't even that I finally replaced my piece 'o junk Blackberry; I was able to finish off my PRD graduation outfit by finding a nice little girlie blouse and some bright, white pointy-toed heels. I should probably touch up my tan before the big day as this prairie girl's Mexican glow is already starting to fade...

So about the Blackberry. The main goal really was to check out a new phone for Paul. His is in worse condition than mine, and last weekend's experience was terrible, so we tried out the kiosk in the mall. There was this young, hyper salesgirl that helped us. She reminded me of the car rental agent we had at the Glasgow airport four years ago. Hyper and chatty and almost a ditz, but quite intelligent. The kind of girl that is blonde at heart but God made a brunette to make it easier for her in life. (I'm laughing inside because I consider myself one of these at times.)

Anyway, the long story short is, he found a nice little touchscreen LG and he's been obsessed with figuring it out since. At least with my new Blackberry, I know how to use it; it's the setup to my personal specifications that takes a while. I only just got the contacts all transferred over (thanks, Blackberry Desktop application!) but still have to download a number of programs I used on my old one. Gotta be able to check the weather in the morning before I head out for the bus! Oh and, how else will I be able to record TV shows on the go if I don't have my Sasktel Max Remove DTVR?!

Today was a good day overall, that's for sure. I'm looking forward to trying out a new outfit tomorrow too, including new jewelry made by my friend "L"!

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