Sunday, March 4, 2012

Mexico Day Five: Breezes & Bellyaches

Today was quite a windy one. We spent the better part of the day at the beach attempting to soak up as much sun as possible. After lunch the wind picked up even more, however, bringing clouds in that began to overtake the sun. After a Mexican blanket purchase (something I’d wanted since our friends bought them last year), we went back to the room.

Since we couldn’t sunbathe anymore, and I’ve been feeling “off” the last few days, we decided to head into town on the bus to the Walmart. I was able to pick up some Pepto and Tums, but both aren’t really helping. Maybe I have a bug, or something. I hope not, but I’m tired of the feeling I have in my gut. Blech. I also picked up the special request of hairspray for a friend. Apparently, “it’s the best”.

The bus was long and bumpy, but air conditioned. Now we’ll have a rest before dinner. I’d really like to fully enjoy the rest of our trip, so hopefully tomorrow my tummy feels more normal!

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