Friday, March 23, 2012

Food and Fringe

Oy, I'm getting behind on these... guess I don't have much to say!

I spent my Friday in a computer room in Viterra's basement. It smelled funny. I did learn some new things, however, so at least it wasn't a total waste of my time. I stayed after and worked late, but only because I'd not checked my email (nor the team's group email) once in the entire day. I did eat too much though! Haha!

Actually, that's not very funny. I've been having a hard time not eating as much as we did in Mexico, since we got back. It's amazing how one solid week of eating lots of food could do me in for at least a month. I've only lost .25 back what I gained, so that's even harder. Motivation is hard to come by, and everything tasty is "bad" for me, lately anyway. *sigh*

At least our regular Friday night show is back on, for eight weeks straight now to finish off the season. All we don't know is if it's coming back for another. This could be the end of "Fringe" for good! Eek! I guess some shows just tire and run out of a story though, so that could be the case for our friends Olivia, Walter and Peter, et al.

So, I don't have much else to say. I'm glad the week is over, but also hesitant for the weekend ahead and the matter of fitting everything in that I want/need to do.

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