Monday, March 19, 2012

Easy Come, Easy Go

Yay; we got our tax refund deposited today, just like the CRA said we would! Probably not unlike many people, we're using most of the money pay off a few things. Nothing major, but it's nice to clear things up. The rest we'll keep for home renos and FUN money!

That said, after listening to Paul giggle from the basement while watching a particular comic's gig on the computer, I bought tickets to this Saturday's show. It so happens he's in town this weekend, so why not?! I'd never heard of the guy -- Danny Bhoy -- but I enjoy a good comedy routine. Especially a Scottish one. At least I made Paul go "woohoo" after I bought them. That doesn't happen much :)

Here's a clip:

So, that's what we'll be doing Saturday night: busting a gut listing to a funny-man.

We also plan to get a new electric kettle (Paul's request) and a new exhaust fan for over the stove (my request). Oh and we'll be able to buy a Sun Tunnel for the kitchen. Paul will install it, of course, but I'm really looking forward to having some natural light in the kitchen. You'll have to come visit us to see it! :)

It's funny how quickly the money can be spent, though. Oh well, easy come, easy go! I wouldn't be a Bateman if I didn't know how to spend my money! HAHA

Piece 'o pi for the day: 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693


  1. Ha Ha. You got that gene from the male species of the family.


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