Thursday, March 8, 2012

Home at Last

Ahhhhhh. We're home. At last. It's funny I say that because we were so looking forward a fantastic vacation. Don't get me wrong, we had a really good time and the weather was near-perfect, but when you get sick on vacation, it does ruin it a little.

I haven't yet gone to the doctor and I'm not sure I will now. The sore throat isn't present any longer; just a phlegmy cough and a runny nose. Sounds like a typical cold, so I'll see how it goes for a day or two.

It sure is nice to have a few extra days of though. There's extra time for laundry to get done, and the house to get tidied, and for more relaxation (especially considering I'm still in ill-health).

Pictures have been posted online to my Facebook page so feel free to take a peek anytime at this link: Mexico Pics
We didn't take as many pics as last time because we stayed at the same resort. If you'd like to see more of what the resort looks like or what we saw around Puerto Vallarta, just check out my Mexico 2011 albums.

I'm attempting to gather a list of the "best and worst of Mexico 2012", so that should be in tomorrow's blog. 

Paul tested me on my Pi memory today and I got all but the last three. Oops. Just as a reminder I'm at: 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419

Thanks for reading!

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