Tuesday, March 20, 2012

My Company's Buyout

You've probably heard by now that the company I work for got bought by an even bigger, international company. I don't know any more than you do, however, so what all the news reports say is basically all I've got for ya.

I can say that I believe the CEO is somewhat sad to see an "end to an era", in a way. He brought the company up from the dredges into a successful, internationally-recognized powerhouse. In a way, I'm sure he sees it as "his", so I can understand the bittersweet feeling he may have.

As for me, I'm not at all concerned with my future. Sure, anything could happen, but because I work in an integral area I won't just be shouldered out right away. Also, nothing is really going to happen for at least a few months. For the next while, it's business as usual for everyone, and I'm definitely going to act that way.

I'm actually hoping that opportunities come out of the changes, for me specifically. The new company may want to change things up a bit, or even create new jobs, so I'm just going to keep working at developing my skills and experience and show them how valuable I am.

I guess in the end I just hope that the new guys consider what's best for us and them and make good, sound decisions. The province wants in on the specifics, which I understand, and I know that many farmers will want to know more details regarding their assets. There are a lot of questions that can't be answered yet, but in time everything will work itself out. I'm looking forward to what new things are ahead in 2012!

Pi for the day. 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939

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