Thursday, March 29, 2012

Thursday's Thoughts

I really have not much to say today, because yesterday's happenings were MUCH more interesting than today's. I can give you the following advice, however, based on my day:

  1. Don't buy President's Choice Wood-Fired Vegetarian pizza. It's not really pizza-y, gets too crispy, and doesn't have enough sauce. This is coming from a pizza-holic, so trust me.
  2. Be patient with computer systems. They DO eventually work.
  3. Don't buy shoes you can't walk in. Return them, quick, before you make a bad decision and wear them outside!
  4. Caesar dressing is only good if it's the full-fat kind. That is my opinion, but that diet crap is just no good when it comes to creamy stuff.
  5. You can never be overdressed for the weather; it's easier to take stuff off than to put it on when you don't have it!
  6. Zits suck. Cleanse every day, twice a day and wash off your makeup before bed!
  7. Don't let your dog find your Blackberry (no, not this one, the old one. I'm still upset about it a year later when I can't afford a new one...)
  8. Don't forget to pay bills. Oops!
  9. Multi-tasking can be fun, but it can also confuse the heck outta you! Use with caution!
  10. Always put on the window lock if you have an un-crated dog in the car.
  11. Pizza is yummy. Eat it whenever you like, just don't eat it while sitting on the couch. I got fat that way and would rather keep getting TOPS awards than get fat again. Amen.
My pizza pi: 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510

1 comment:

  1. Good advice all. Sounds like you are getting old. Oh sorry, just mature.


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