Thursday, March 22, 2012

Puppy Play-Date

Our friend Denise and her son came over tonight with their dog Rider for a "puppy play-date". I wasn't nervous about it because Casey loves all dogs. I just want her to have lots of friends and be able to play with them as much as possible. Not only is it good for her to get out all the energy she has, but it's good for us because it takes less effort to make her tired.

When Rider arrived both dogs were leashed and Casey was a little territorial. We went outside so they could just run around the yard and get to know each other. Right away they smelled each other and started to play. Rider's tail was up, so he wasn't nervous, even considering he's a smaller dog than Casey and we weren't sure how he'd react to a dominant dog. It took less than five minutes for the real fun to start. Watch the video below to see what I mean:

It's amazing how two active, fun-loving terriers can really get each other going and have a great time. I know this isn't uncommon, but we only own one dog and don't get a chance to interact with other dogs except at the big park. It's not the same as in your own backyard. Ideally we'd have two of our own, but that won't happen for a while.

They played and played until both tongues were hanging out, and then we went inside for a rest. They both continued to have a good time, jumping up on each other and wrestling. It really was awesome for me to see my "pup pup" playing so well with another dog. I know she's a lover, but Rider is a perfect match for her. He's five years old but as young at heart as our Casey, and he's welcome here any time.

We've already invited him to come over for a play-date next Tuesday. Should be fun! Rider's not only a good match for a playmate, but he's a good dog inside the house. I'm sure Casey will be very happy to see him again, and we will too, because it means we'll get a good night's sleep :)

Puppy pi for the day: 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993

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