Thursday, March 1, 2012

Mexico Day Two: Bored and Loving It

What a perfectly, boring day! Seriously! Isn’t a holiday supposed to be that way?

Day two started off with being awakened by the sun coming over the distant hills. We ate a hearty breakfast then staked out a good spot on the beach. That was how we spent our morning: sunbathing, napping (for Paul), and (for me) delving into a good book.

Then we ate lunch and found some spots by the pool. That’s about it! We did take a dip in the cold water, and chatted with Paul’s seat neighbour from the plane. Then we had a delightful nap in our room. Now we’re getting ready for another meal, and hopefully some good times tonight.

Speaking of which, last night we had a fun time at the main stage. We eagerly accepted invitations for men and women to join the entertainers on stage for a “men versus women” competition. Except for the beer-drinking part (ick!), it was a lot of fun. The women won, obviously. Paul even ended up wearing only his underwear. Don’t ask.

Tomorrow we plan to do about the same as today. I love vacations!

1 comment:

  1. HAHAH! I wish I was there to see Paul on stage! Too fun!


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