Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Mexico Day One: Spiritual Awakening

What a day. As I sit here in my modest room, I think back to the events that brought me to this Mexican paradise. The mountains are covered in a humid haze, but I can still marvel at the views as I share my day’s experiences.

Our day started at 5:00 am. By 6:30 we had Casey at the kennel and by 7:15 the taxi was ready for our transport to the airport. After arriving at YQR, I was informed that, because my passport was “damaged” (bitten by Casey over a year ago, prior to our last Mexican vacation), I could choose to fly to our destination with it as-is but would be responsible for the flight back if they denied me entry to their beloved country. Of course this caused me some worry, but I had to be confident that everything would be okay. I said a prayer shortly after, and many more between the airport and Mexico.

Paul and I ended up sitting separately, but we both ended up with nice couples, and we could still chat because I was only one row in front. “My couple” was a middle-aged mother and father of an 18-year old nursing student. “Paul’s” was a young couple headed to the same resort as us with a group of ten. I sat by the (very hot) window and enjoyed my book, the company, and the way-better-than-you’d-think airplane meal.

Before even departing Regina, I looked out my window to the wing of the plane and noticed that the company’s logo was emblazoned on the end. I immediately felt a sort of peace as I stared at it. Maybe simple, but moving nonetheless. All I saw was a smile, of sorts. The Sunwing logo. For whatever reason, it gave me peace. I said my prayer, regarding the Mexican custom officials and my damaged passport, and smiled back. When we were at a high enough altitude that the sun shone through my window, I noticed that the metallic paint on the wing also reflected back at me. I felt some sort of spiritual connection with that notion, as if God was smiling back at me, telling me everything was going to be just fine.

Guess what? We made it through customs with no issues, even after “lucking out” after Paul pressed the red button, which meant we were randomly selected for a suitcase search. Everything was perfect.

After arriving at our resort and getting to unpack, we grabbed our favourite beverages and headed to the beach. It was more beautiful than I remember. You know, the saying “you don’t know what you got ‘til it’s gone” is completely true. All we could both say was, “this is awesome”, and “I’m so glad to be here with you”. Even writing about my day’s experience is bringing a tear to my eye. It’s so easy to take advantage of things, and we clearly did that until we came back here. It’s just so beautiful and perfect and we are so, so happy to be able to experience it again.

I really felt something special today. Something incredibly spiritual. God was looking down on me, us, and I’m so overjoyed. I just wish you could be here with us. Truly! Our room isn’t even considered as having an “ocean view”, but it does! The view is even better than last year! And here I thought our previous room was great… no way. I love this one. Everything is perfect.

Hasta luego!

1 comment:

  1. Praise God you arrived safe. I will trust Him to keep you safe and return you home, rested and revived. Enjoy.


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