Saturday, February 25, 2012

Eating & Working

I went to a Women's Ministries breakfast this morning. It was quite nice, even though I still don't know many of the women. There was even a silent auction with tons of stuff people just donated. I only had to spend $6.25 and got a bunch of good stuff. I'm definitely not a hoarder, and don't like garage-saleing, but I picked up a few useful items.

The one thing I'm not a big fan of at these breakfasts, however, is the food. I prepared by eating an egg, yogourt and a cup of apple juice before I went. The spread was mostly muffins, with some breads and scones thrown in. Sure, there was fruit and even some cheese, but sometimes I wish they had other options. I just need to be prepared, that's all. I loaded up my plate with half fruit so that I didn't overdo it on the other yummy food. Yes, it's yummy, but we should eat it in moderation. Muffins can be higher in fat than cupcakes! Did you know that?

The speaker was a young woman from the church who is originally from Honduras. She had a lovely story, and a good sense of humour, so it was quite entertaining. She spoke about meeting her Canadian husband and of their struggles with their youngest child's health issues. I'll have to get to know her more because she seems like someone I could really enjoy being around.

After the breakfast, which didn't end until noon, I headed to work to get everything done before my holidays began. Since we had last Monday off for Family Day, and I was at home sick on Tuesday and only worked 90 minutes from here, the extra hours worked on Friday and today were no big deal. It was nice and quiet and for the 3+ hours I spent doing work, I was very productive. I even finished some items up that I hadn't planned to.

Later, we popped into Value Village to see if there were any cheap shorts or tank tops I could find for our trip. I lucked one with one of each, for only $10.50 total. Sweet! Only 4 more sleeps to go!

I'll add a piece of pi today: 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884

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