Thursday, February 2, 2012

Beep! Riiiiiiing! Buzzzzzzzz!

I have a hard time concentrating while there are distractions around. I often can't turn off my ears and focus on what I'm doing. It's like my brain thinks it will miss something interesting if I do. Annoying, right?

Tonight while waiting for Paul to finish in the tanning bed, I attempted to read a book. First the esthetician was busy chatting about the radio station, and I had to do the "mm hmm, yep, mm hmm" thing to at least make it sound like I was interested. Then a girl came in for her appointment and sat down across from me. She promptly went typing away on her Blackberry then... "ba-ding".... "ba-ding"... ARGH. It's one thing to block out background noise like a radio or the sound of someone typing, and it's another to be disturbed by the electronic notifications on a smartphone.

It really bothers me that people leave their phones turned on to something other than silent or vibrate when they're messaging others. I understand how it works, I do it myself. You send a message then the phone "beeps" to say there's a response waiting. And on an on it goes. I just find it really unprofessional in the workplace and inconsiderate in public.
Similarly, I also find it bothersome for someone to leave their phone on vibrate, thinking it won't be noisy, but then leave it on the desk all day and have it "BUZZ", like, every 5 minutes. Sheesh. The vibrations are nearly as bad as the beeps.

I understand that everyone and their dog has a personal mobile device these days, but they need to be put away more and left for "personal" time. I only have mine around as much as I do because I don't have a landline so need to ensure that in case of emergency, I can be contacted. Otherwise, I don't enjoy hearing beeps and buzzes all day long.

So hey, next time you hear yours going, think of me and the all others that may not enjoy listening to it!

I'm pi'd out... gimme a couple days and we'll have another :)

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