Thursday, February 23, 2012

Arts & Crafts

Arts and Crafts. Ick and ickier. I wish I had at least one ounce of arts and craftiness in me, but it seems I don't. Walking into "Michael's" craft store literally makes me feel uncomfortable. I try not to let it bother me because I know there are lots of other things I'm good at, but a number of people in my family are so crafty so I'm a tad jealous.

Scarf by Jolene
For example, there's my sister. She made me a lovely pink and white scarf one year. It's very warm and I've had lots of compliments when wearing it. I always give her the credit for making it. Not only is she crafty in her crocheting and knitting skills, but she's also an artist. I have a few "Jolenes" packed up in boxes.

Then there's my mom. She crocheted me a cute green and white blanket before I was born. I bet it took her a lot of time, so I cherish it. She hasn't done anything like that lately, but she's really into card making. You know, the scrapbooky type of cards that you hate to throw away (so I don't).

Elephant by Paul
Then there's Paul. He's quite the artist. My current favourite is an elephant that could be used as a tattoo. I bought him a graphics tablet for Christmas and he's come up with some really nice pictures. He just has an eye for drawing, which I've never had.

My cousin K is also very talented, in many areas. Most recently I discovered that not only can she sing and play multiple musical instruments, she makes stuffed toys and blankets (for her baby nephew). And she knows how to cook. Wow.

Lastly, my amma (grandmother) is a painter. Not really anymore, but at one point she really enjoyed creating beautiful watercolours. I feel very lucky to have six of her creations in my possession.

With all this talent, I can't help but feel jealous at times. I know I have my own abilities, but they don't seem as... interesting. I suppose if I spent more time on my talents, rather than on my abilities directly related to work, I'd be more satisfied.

So, what am I good at? I can play the piano (and a few other instruments, although not very well anymore). I can cook. I'm pretty adept at computer-related things. I (think I) can write. I'm very good with geography and have a good sense of direction. I have a good memory for number sequences (pi!). Paul says I'm good at "a lot". Thanks :)

I may not be good at the crafty stuff, but I guess that's all not too bad after all.

Another piece of pi: 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288


  1. Don't beat yourself up about the arts thing. You do have many talents that others don't. You are very intelligent, organized,and musically gifted. You have an amazing memory, you are generous and fun loving, and just plain loving. Best of all, you can cook. Enjoy the talents you have and leave the arts to the others.

  2. Don't beat yourself up. You are talented in your own right. You are intelligent, organized, musically gifted. You are generous, fun loving and just plain loving. And best of all, you can cook and you know a lot about computer stuff. Enjoy the talents you have and the gifts of crafty things from the ones you love.


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