Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Joys of Packing

Wow, my 60th blog. Can you believe it? Honestly, I can't. This is probably the first "hobby" I've found that I haven't dropped after a few weeks. It's dedication, I tell ya! :)

If you've been reading my blog, you know that I'm leaving for Mexico tomorrow morning. Oh the joys of packing for a holiday. I could probably use some work in that area. As I filled up our two suitcases this afternoon, I recalled my first experience traveling to a warm destination...

It was the end of March in 2002. My best friend at the time, "J", and I saved up our pennies to be able to embark on our first ever international vacation to the Dominican Republic. I remember it being so exciting. We were both a few weeks short of turning 19 and this was our chance to just get away on a girls only trip. It was a great week of fun, sun, and friendship.

Apart from the fun and sun, however, I also recall the pre-trip "intervention". J and I were to fly out of Winnipeg, so the day before we departed, we drove to the big city to stay the night at my aunt and uncle's house. I had a full suitcase. I also had a carry-on. And...I also had...a bag of shoes. Hmm. It was my first trip; I didn't know how to pack! It was so embarrassing. So here's my aunt and J intervening with my bag of shoes. Basically, they convinced me to leave enough behind that I didn't even need the extra bag. Needless to say, I did learn my lesson.

It's been 10 years since that experience and, although I learned that you can pack too many pairs of shoes, I still have trouble not packing certain items of clothing. I even had a mini-intervention this afternoon. It consisted of me talking out how I really didn't need three black sweaters and that I must pick only my favourite. So I did. I also didn't need three dresses, so instead I packed one and two skirts that took up much less room. I'm so proud of myself! Truly, though, if I can fit everything into my one suitcase, without having to unzip the expander, I've succeeded. I nearly forgot to pack my underwear though, so promptly stuffed them into the last available spot. Whew!

I still get very anxious about the things I pack and don't pack though. If there was some way to just transport my entire closet, I'd be happiest. I guess I'm my father's daughter (eh, mom?). The truth of the matter is, I'm very well-prepared for this trip and extremely excited to be able to spend it alone with Paul. Prayer for good weather is appreciated, and I wish you could all come with me!

I'll be blogging each day, albeit briefly, about what we've been up to. The next time you hear from me I'll probably be sipping a girl cocktail, wearing flip flops, and hopefully enjoying some delicious Mexican fare. Bon voyage, all!

Pi for the last time before we return: 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419

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