Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Ticket Tuesday

Parking tickets. Ugh. I hate them. Not because they're so expensive, but because they are proof that I was parking either somewhere I shouldn't, or for too long. I know it's one-hour parking but that won't stop me from leaving my car there. All day long.

If I was to obtain a parking spot (if in fact there was one available for me), I'd pay $40 per month. In the 18 months at this current job, I've had a total of four -- count them! -- four tickets. That's a total of $60. I'd say I'm getting quite the deal. Not only am I saving money though, I'm also getting some exercise walking from my parking spot to the office .Even a few extra minutes a day is good for me! How can I go wrong?

In all honesty I don't actually park downtown very often anymore. Unless I want to go into work early, Paul takes the car and I ride the bus. Not only is this good for the environment, but it's also cheaper as I'm avoiding any chance of getting a ticket. I still wish I didn't get them though!

Today I not only received one ticket for exceeding the one-hour limit in a "limited parking area", but I received two. Yes, two. I suppose this is payback from the City of Regina for getting away with parking in that exact spot on so many occasions without getting ticketed. *sigh*

Anyway, whatever, it's just a couple tickets and I'm still saving money by not having a permanent spot that wouldn't even get parked in every day of the week. Happy Tuesday!

Oh and by the way, it may be Valentines' Day, but nothing romantic is happening here today. Paul worked late and we're still saving up for Mexico. I'm sure we'll treat each other another time.


  1. Me thinks they have your number.
    You are going to have to change spots.
    They'll be gunning for you now.
    Next time might be 3 tickets.

    1. Oh definitely! I picked a spot two blocks further away today and there was no ticket left on the dash. I was in a 2-hour spot instead! LOL


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