Sunday, February 26, 2012

Winter, etc.

Winter is back! Winter is back! I can't see the grass anymore and the puppy turds are covered over! Yay!

I don't care if you were happy with the weather we had. Winter was simply not over yet, and I knew that. I'm no psychic, and I don't pretend to be, it's just a natural thing for the prairies to experience. I mean come on, it's only February. On many occasions we've seen late snows in April or even May. You should take this as a blessing and see that potentially we won't have a late snow this year now.

I had planned to get out and shovel the driveway, but I didn't get up early enough to do so. So I made Paul do it. He needed the exercise anyway. Then I made him do the back. It's only fair: I cleaned up the kitchen and will have to do all the laundry.

So tonight is the Academy Awards. Do you watch them? I've tried to most years. The only issue is that they tend to go on for so long that I have to go to bed before the show is over. Lucky for me, I'm on holidays for two weeks so I can stay up and watch the entire thing this time! I'm actually pretty excited about that. It doesn't happen very often that I get a Monday off, other than on stat holidays.

I'd love to see some underdogs pull out a win, but if the prior award shows (i.e. Golden Globes or SAGs) are any indication of what is to come, The Artist and The Help will pull out on top. Not to say those aren't excellent movies with phenomenal actors, but I'd just like to see the awards spread out a little. I guess we'll have to see how it goes.

I spent way too much preparing for our trip, on travel-size toiletries, etc. Oh well. I'm just happy to be going away and I like to be ready for it, in all ways. The only real concern I have is the amount of clothes I'd like to take. Ideally, my entire closet would accompany me on trips so that I can create various ensemble option at any time. I know, that's nuts. I'll have to eliminate some things when Tuesday comes around and I discover that my suitcase is only so big.... when I put it on the scale and find I've gone over the weight limit... oops.

Pi for the day: 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841

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