Friday, February 3, 2012

This Gosh-Darned Winter Weather

Okay, what the heck, God? Why are you playing tricks on the people of Canada this year? First it snows, then it melts, then it snows, then it melts, then it gets really cold for a whole week, then it melts... I can't handle it anymore!!!

Seriously though, what happened to winter this year? Does having a warm winter mean we'll have a cold summer? The summer of 2004 was considered cold. I was finally able to go outside because it wasn't sweltering. So many people are extremely happy about the current weather patterns, but I'm looking at it all from another perspective.

If we don't get adequate snow amounts, what will happen to the fields? What about the rivers and lakes? Will we end up with a drought for lack of precipitation? Or, does a lack of winter snowfall mean we'll get drenched in the spring? Sometimes I wish I'd gone to school to be a meteorologist instead of an HR person...

I'm just concerned that the current situation -- albeit quite desirable for those that have difficulty braving the often harsh, prairie winters -- means something much more undesirable is headed our way in the next season or two.

What happened to the days of snow to the tops of doorways, or being snowbound until plows made it down the streets? I can literally see grass on my lawn, and I don't like it.

Sorry to say this, because I'm in the 1% of the population that actually enjoy winter. I'm quite disappointed overall.

Dear God,
Please make it snow before winter is over!!! Thanks.
Dana aka winter-lover

By the way, I heard the groundhog saw his shadow this year so we've got at least six more weeks of winter. Let's just see what "winter" means for the next six weeks though...

A piece of winter pi: 3.141592653589793238462643

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