Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Oh, Wednesday

Quick note for today, considering it's TOPS Wednesday and I like to go to bed early. I had a pretty decent day overall; I just wish there were more hours so I could get more done at work. There are only a few days left before I'm off for two weeks, so every minute counts.

In my inbox at work today I found a delightful surprise: my official PCP (Payroll Compliance Practitioner) certificate, complete with silver seal! It made me smile. Amazing what a little hard work does :)

No parking tickets today. That was pretty awesome. Speaking of which, I still have to pay the two I already have... better get on that!

I stayed the same weight this week, but not without stripping off an extra layer. I already weigh in wearing only my tights (I wear a skirt every Wednesday) and a light camisole or tank top. The tank came off because there was no way I was letting a quarter pound ruin my day. Phew. No change. Thank the Lord! I kinda wanted a little more "cushion" for Mexico, but at least I'll have a week to lose any extra put on once we get back home.

Speaking of Mexico, I got my official travel documents today via eConcierge. This is a new thing to me, but as long as I print off what I need from the site, we're good-to-go. Only 7 more sleeps before the big day! Casey's kennel is all booked and our friend will be coming by while we're away to feed the cats. Paul and I are also getting pretty brown, if I say so myself. Oddly, however, the places no one will see are the most tanned...hmmm.

Anyway, that's about it. Boring, but that's me on a day when I'm too busy to have many other thoughts. I'll cross my fingers for something funny to happen tomorrow.

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