Monday, February 13, 2012

Thanks, Gracias, Merci

Thank you to the person that invented the lint brush. You know, the red one that can only be brushed in one direction. Without it, my furniture would be absolutely fur-infested.

Thank you to my wonderful grandparents for their generous gifts. You may be downsizing, but it doesn't mean you have to be so kind! We appreciate you for it, more than you know.

Thank you to Paul for spending all the time you do with that crazy mutt. Hopefully she sleeps well again tonight!

Thank you boss lady for giving me this career opportunity. It may be stressful but I've learned so much and continue to look forward to what's next.

Thank you, "Playground" for having an opening for aforementioned mutt a day earlier than previously booked, just in case we need it.

Thank you, George R. R. Martin for writing an awesome series of fiction novels.

Thank you HBO for ramping the books up a notch and making my television-watching experience interesting.

Thank you, God for the lovely weather. Seriously. But can I have winter back now?

Thank you to the afternoon bus driver for taking me home quickly today. Next time can you lay off the gas pedal just a touch though? I'd prefer to feel SAFE while traveling in a 25 ton moving vehicle that I have no control over!

Thank you, Wikipedia. You are oh so knowledgeable. About absolutely anything and everything.

Thank you, Missy for scratching on the scratch post. My furniture is grateful.

Lastly, thank you, Mr. Mailman for stepping carefully while on my driveway to avoid any slipping and subsequent lawsuit... Just in case you do slip, you can thank God. He's the one that keeps changing the earthly temperature. (Hey Big Guy, read above re: request to get winter back. Thanks.)

Thanks, pi: 3.141593653589793238462643383279

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