Saturday, February 18, 2012

Because You Never Know...

There were approximately 178,000 new cases of cancer reported last year, and 75,000 people died of the disease (not necessarily the same ones). There are more cases in Atlantic Canada and Quebec than in the west.

In Manitoba last year, 70 individuals were diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. When the 2012 statistics are released, a member of my extended, extended family will be included in the number for the year. The diagnosis isn't good; they're giving him a year. Having this happen to someone you know, even if you don't know them well and aren't close, will cause you to take a good, hard look at your own life and what's really important.

I'm pretty healthy, and make a point of taking care of myself, but something like cancer can take over without any warning. I don't worry about it, but it's still something to consider. I think regardless of what's going on in the world, you have to remember to eat right, exercise, and get plenty of sleep. You never know what will happen and need to take charge of your life as much as possible.

In addition to taking care of one self, we should also make an attempt to spend as much time with our loved ones as possible. Even if it's only a phone call or a short visit over coffee, I'm sure you'd be pretty disappointed if you didn't make the effort and missed out on an opportunity. This is something I'm going to try to do more of.

I hope for the best for my family member, regardless of what the doctor has determined. I'll be saying prayers for him, as well as the other members of his immediate family. May God be with them all during this difficult time.

I'll definitely keep trying to be as healthy as possible, and strive to live a life I can be proud of, because you just never know what tomorrow will bring.

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