Friday, February 10, 2012

This and That

I'm obsessing over this danged vacation. It IS going to happen, I just have a hard time with the spontaneity of it. There are tons of places we could go on our budget, but we really just want to stay at the Riu. At this point, it's just over our top end by a couple hundred, so either we pray it comes down a bit -- even a hundred per person -- or we go for it and splurge a little. OR, we bite the bullet and take the Saturday flights. It just means I don't really get to sleep the first night at all; it leaves at 11:15 pm and arrives at 3:40 am. Ouch, eh? Until the moment I pay for the trip we've chosen, I definitely won't stop thinking about it.

I've still got "Paul's" cold. It was worse today, but I have moments of feeling okay. I'm just glad that everything worked out tomorrow for me to have absolutely nothing on my schedule except for a tan. Well, that and sleep in for the first time in weeks! I plan to stay in my pjs until at least noon. At least. If I can get away with it, I'll go to the tan in them. HAHA.

Speaking of sleeping, you know what I love about bedtime? My two favourite furballs come to bed with me. Look at them. So comfy. And warm. And safe from the "evil" doggie. As soon as I put away the computer and go to sleep, Buster will come cuddle with me. Gosh I love those two.

Speaking of sleeping (heh, deja vu?!) I've been waiting to do that all day, so g'night!

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