Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Okay so this "Wednesday" blog is a tad late. I have a good reason, though. It seems that my adoring spouse has bequeathed his delightful cold bug to me.*insert sneeze here* Yay. All I can hope for is a speedy recovery, as I simply can't afford to miss work for all the stuff that's going on right now. And working from home really is not an option from this teeny, tiny netbook...

But Wednesday was a good day overall, other than the cold part. I had signed up to lead a program at TOPS a few months ago, and this was my night to present it. I chose to learn more about Iron, like what it is, why we need it, what happens if we don't have enough, or if we have too much, etc etc. I think it went well overall. I used to be quite nervous when speaking in front of people. As I've become more confident with myself in the past few years, and have been more outspoken, I now find it much easier to get up in front of people and speak about something. I just hope that at least a few people got something out of it.

I also checked out the price on our upcoming Mexico vacation. Unfortunately, it's gone up a bit rather than down. That doesn't mean we're not going; we just need a backup plan in case we can't afford to go back to the Riu Jalisco. Paul's on board with "whatever, whenever", so by next weekend when I've got the money in my account, we'll have made a decision. We're still hoping the Jalisco works out, but any trip away from here will be great.

So that's about all I have to say about Wednesday... stay tuned for more.

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