Monday, February 6, 2012

Sleepy Puppy

I love watching my dog sleep, but I don't like that she gets to nap at all in the evening. I'm currently trying to keep her half-awake by petting her and talking. I know that if she gets to sleep, she'll be up when it's bedtime and we want to sleep.

Lately, if I leave my soft "couch blanket" in an organized pile on the sofa (rather than draping it nicely over the back), she sleeps on it for most of the night. I really don't mind because we've had quite a lot of trouble getting her to stay in bed. We started off, right when we got her, having her sleep in a crate next to the bed. She did not once get to sleep in our bed until one fateful morning at the lake. She was scratching the kennel door and whining to come out, and we just wanted to sleep some more, so I pulled her up into the bed... oops. I think it would've happened at some point anyway, but that started it all.

She still gets to sleep in the bed, but will often jump out to go bark at the night sounds from the front window. It gets frustrating because one of us has to get out of bed to get her to stop barking. Accidentally leaving the blanket out one evening, and discovering in the morning that she'd spent the entire night sleeping on it, was not a bad thing. This just means the cats can have "their" bed and we get a more restful sleep. Problem solved!

But this problem of napping at the wrong time still bugs me. I get it, she's tired, and she might not feel well after gobbling down her dinner then running around outside like a banchee. I just can't afford to lose sleep because of it!

Oh well, we love her, so be it :)

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