Thursday, February 9, 2012

I ♥ Shopping

So I was Facebooking one day from my Blackberry while on a lunch break when I came across a post from Ricki's clothing store. It stated that for one day only, all coats were priced at $39.99. Holy crap, Batman! I promptly put down the Blackberry and went to their website on my computer. Low and behold, what they stated was true, and I even found a coat left in stock in my size. *Add to cart.* Whew! That was close; someone else could've snagged it up!

Well I can't just buy a coat and not take a peek around the website to see what else might be nice... There was a link to their "Clearance" section. Hmmm, that could be interesting... and cheap! Low and behold, there's a pair of Ultimate pants in a brown pattern... and they have my size... in the tall length.. and they're only $15! *Add to cart* Whew! This shopping stuff is stressful! What else can I find? Oh, that's a nice pair of espresso-coloured pants... hmmm... they have my size... in the tall length... and they're only $15! *Add to cart* Okay, that's it, I'm exhausted.

That shopping trip lasted only about 5 minutes, and I experienced about as much stress as I would driving to the store, going in, trying things on, paying for them, going back to the car, and driving home. But, it cost WAY less! Yay!

I received the items in the mail today. Definitely my "awesome moment of the day". The coat fit, except it's a tad tight around the arms when I lift them up and out, but I find that happens with my body shape and can only be avoided by going up a size and then having a coat that's generally too big. Then I got to try the pants on tonight. Low and behold, they both fit! The Ultimate pair fits like a glove. They're also so long that even after a wash and dry, I'll still be able to wear my tallest heels with them. Bonus!

So yeah, I may be sick with Paul's cold, but I got some sweet deals and no one loves retail therapy as much as me :)

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