Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Hump Day

So it's Hump Day. The middle of the week. The end of the beginning and the beginning of the end. I like Wednesday's for a few reasons:

-there's only two more work days before the weekend
-I get to eat whatever I want after I weigh in, regardless if I gained or lost
-I get to see all my TOPS friends

I had some Delissio pizza tonight. Casey ate the olives. I really had wanted something like a Super Soft Taco from Taco Time (with extra sour cream and hot sauce, of course), but I already had the pizza in the freezer so thought it a good idea to save the money. The pizza was quite good, surprisingly, and I didn't completely gorge myself to the level of indigestion. Just means I get leftovers for lunch tomorrow!

I hope that tomorrow's a good day at work. I just started training the new administrator on our team so I have more to do now, but it's nice to have a fresh face around. I'm still busy as all heck, but it keeps things interesting and I'm attempting to be very light about the whole situation. Mexico isn't far away now, so that's something to look forward.

Well, I'd rather go read another chapter of Game of Thrones than write some more, so we'll see what tomorrow's blog brings!

Night all.

Here's a piece of pi: 3.14159265358979323846264

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