Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Oh the Joys of Tanning

Mmmmmmm. That tan was nice :) and warm :) and the lotion smells so good :) Mmmmmmm

Okay okay, I realize that tanning is not good for my skin, but the absolute worst thing I can imagine to happen while on my Mexican vacation (other than getting beat up and left in an elevator...) is getting a sun burn. I already know I'll be lying out on the beach for hours on end, so this self-tanning prior to then will help me get a good base. Don't worry, I use sunblock when I go to the beach, I'm not stupid. I'm also not naturally dark-skinned so if I didn't pre-tan, I'd be a hot tomato after only a few hours!

Did you know:

-On an average day in the United States, more than 1 million people tan in tanning salons.
-Nearly 70 percent of tanning salon patrons are Caucasian girls and women, primarily aged 16 to 29 years.
-Nearly 28 million people tan indoors in the United States annually. Of these, 2.3 million are teens.
-In 2010, the indoor tanning industry’s revenue is estimated to be $2.6 billion.

I specifically recall a certain gentleman's hot-red skin after his first full day on the beach. All I can say is, "ouch"! Many, many people don't consider pre-tanning as part of their vacation regimen, but I sure do. Even Paul participates.

The only two things I don't like about tanning are the cost and the sweat generated. I hate sweating. And I hate having to fork over so much cash just to get a good base tan. But all-in-all, once I've spent a few days on vacation, it is so very worth it.

I'm looking forward to Thursday already! Mmmmmmmmm.....

Pi of the day: 3.1415926535897932384626

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