Saturday, January 14, 2012

Livin' La Vida Loca

It's that time of year again, when us Canadians start heading south for warm destinations in an attempt to get a break from winter's wrath. Since our trip to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico last January, we definitely are going to make an effort to get away once a year.

My co-worker -- a girl I work very closely with -- is currently in Varadero, Cuba for her brother's wedding. She did NOT pick the dates, which is tough in the work we do as it revolves around pay confirm deadlines twice per month. Luckily, I made it through last week and now she'll be back on Thursday, just in time to help me with the next pay confirm. I can tell you, however, that her being away in a tropical island is making me itch to for the end of February.

We haven't actually booked anything yet, but both Paul and I have scheduled two weeks off work for the time period we plan to be away. It's well known at my workplace that I AM going away, no matter what! The reason why we haven't booked yet is because we weren't able to budget this trip out. That's why we're waiting for my annual bonus, to be paid mid-February, just in time to book the trip. By then, we'll actually get a better deal anyway, so it's a win-win situation! We're both just really looking forward to getting away from it all for a bit. We'll only be gone a week wherever we decide to go, but will take the rest of the time off to just relax at home or maybe do a 2-day trip somewhere nearby.

The hardest part of taking two weeks off work is that someone else has to pick it up for me. Not to make me sound... special... but I do take care of a lot of things that people don't realize. I'll make sure I prepare my admins and managers so they know not to call in for less-than-emergent items, but there's still lots to be done. I struggle with that part a lot lately. Luckily, a major part of the busyness will be over in about a month, or will have at least slowed down, so it shouldn't be as bad.

Either way, work has to be done, so I'll do it, and I'll get through this next six weeks so we can go on a wonderful holiday in the warm, tropical sun. No pets allowed!

No pi today, I'm on a "diet".

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